For the last few months, I have been considering a mini-blog series on the job hunt, and (at the time I am writing this) the economic downturn resulting from the coronavirus pandemic has made a discussion on finding a job even more relevant.
In this mini-blog series, I will focus on the following topic areas in the job hunt:
- Job Hunt Preparations: Self-care, goal setting, daily habits, vocational reflection, etc.
- Learning about potential opportunities: networking, job searching, etc.
- Marketing yourself for employers: writing a resume/CV and cover letter, building a portfolio, etc.
- Developing your own skill sets: Navigating whether to develop your skills and which resources to use
This blog may be useful to you if you are in the following situations:
- Recently left or about to leave a job (for whatever reason) and are looking for another
- Have been disconcerted at your current job (again for whatever reason) and have decided to look elsewhere
- Recently graduating from school or some other kind of training and seeking to enter the workforce
- Finding gigs is a regular part of your work
(Final Note: Even though my blog focuses on the integration of data science and anthropology, in this mini-series, I intend my advice for just about any industry. Data science and anthropology are where I have most experience in, though, so, of course, I might implicitly have a bias towards strategies what works in those fields.)
Photo/Graph credit: MIH83 at https://pixabay.com/illustrations/job-application-job-search-1344744/