In Part 2 of our Interview, Oscar Barrera explains how to get yourself out there in order to find clients and how he used coaching to help improve his mindset in such a way that enabled him to pursue his goals. Working through one’s current mindset through coaching can work wonders in helping people grow occupationally or personally, as Oscar attests.
Oscar Barrera is a Corporate Anthropologist based in Veracruz, Eastern México. He is the CEO of Corporate Anthropology Consulting and has been working with successful companies and organizations for 8 years helping them to innovate by finding unseen opportunities to grow their businesses and improve their organizational culture. Oscar is also a keynote speaker and is the founder and host of the Podcast Nuevas Posibilidades (New Possibilities) focused on innovation and businesses. Feel free to check out his podcast here as well: https://antropologiacorporativa.mx/podcast/.
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To learn more about Oscar and the sources we referenced in our conversation: