Writing Ethnographic Findings as Software Specs

When working as an ethnographer with software engineers, I have found formatting my write-up for any ethnographic inquiry I conducted as software specs incredibly valuable. In general, I prefer to incarnate any ethnographic report I make into the cultural context I am conducting the research for, and this is one example of how to do that.

Many find the academic essay prose style stifling and unintelligible, so why limit yourself to that format like most ethnographic write-ups tend to be when conducting work for and with other parties? Like Schaun Wheeler said in this interview, in the professional world, pdf reports are often where thoughts go to die.

Most often when I am conducting ethnographic research with software engineers, I am doing some kind of user research on a potential or actual software product: trying to understand how users engage with a software or set of softwares to help engineers improve the design to better meet users’ needs. When doing this, I most often bullet my findings by topic and suggested change, ordering them based on importance and complexity. This allows software engineers to easily transfer the insights into actionable ideas for how to improve the software design.

For example, a software company asked me to conduct ethnography to understand how users engaged with a beta version of an app. For this project, I broke down ethnographic insights into advantages of the app and common pitfalls encountered. I illustrated each item on the list with stories and quotes from users. I ordered the points based on importance and difficulty addressing (aka as either important and easy to fix, not important but easy to fix, important but not easy to fix, and not important but not easy to fix). On each list, I focused on the item itself, but sometimes I might also mention potential solutions, particularly when users proposed specific ideas for how to resolve something they encountered. Only occasionally did I give my own suggestions. This allowed software engineers to think through the ethnographic findings and translate them into software specs. They liked the report formatting so much the CTO of the company came to me personally to tell me I had the most profound and useful documentation he had seen. 

I have found describing ethnographic findings as design specs has been incredibly helpful in the tech world. It allows the immersion of ethnographic insights into engineering contexts and facilitates the development of actional insights and designs. Instead of defaulting to a long essay or manuscript, ethnographers should think carefully about the best way to format their findings to make sure it is approachable, relatable, and useful for the audience(s) that will look at and use it.

Hello, my thoughts are...